Due to lockdown, a lot of the fun ideas we would normally embark on haven’t been possible. But it’s not all doom and gloom!
There are three things that are easy (two are even free to do) that help us out massively to provide the level of care and support our rescue’s have grown accustomed to receiving.
Easyfundraising is a free add-on while you’re shopping that you might not even notice – choose our cause, visit shops and retailers online (something many people are doing right now, especially with restrictions) and shop as normal BUT Easyfundraising will donate a small amount with every purchase you make. They add up quickly and people have managed to raise a whopping £5,600 so far.
To set us as your charity follow this link and click “Support this cause” on the right of the page: https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/ridgebackrescue/
Amazon Smile
Do you use Amazon regularly? In the same way Easyfundraising works Amazon Smile will donate to us for every sale they make with you from the entire Amazon site.
All you have to do is follow this link, click the yellow “Get started” button and slect “Ridgeback Rescue (Eckington, EW)” as your designated charity and start shopping: https://smile.amazon.co.uk/gp/chpf/homepage?orig=%2F%3Ftag%3Dgooghydr-21%26hvadid%3D232361766627%26hvpos%3D%26hvexid%3D%26hvnetw%3Dg%26hvrand%3D13448881245658210391%26hvpone%3D%26hvptwo%3D%26hvqmt%3Dp%26hvdev%3Dc%26ref%3Dpd_sl_88t6ja85j9_b
Weather Lottery
We are part of the weather lottery: a small lottery with a not so small prize! You have a chance to win the top prize of £25,000. Step one is signing up and step two is getting lucky! Part of the money for entries comes directly to us so every person who enters is helping us.
The lottery results are calculated by using the temperatures from selected destinations around Europe on a particular day each week, players are assigned 6 numbers when registering that are then checked against the last 6 digits of temperatures in Fahrenheit that are published in the Daily Mail on the day of the draw.
Entries are just £1 with a max payout of £25,000, sounds like a no brainer!
Click here to join: https://www.theweatherlottery.com/charitiesHomepage.php?client=RIDGE_OTHER&NoOfLines=1