Rehomed Ridgebacks - 2020

2020 .... and so we start again

We are thrilled that all the dogs we had looking for homes in 2019 were able to be matched with just the right new owners.  This put us in the position of starting 2020 with a brand new clean slate – no dogs waiting on 1st of January … but by 3rd January, that had already changed.  Often as a result of “Christmas Presents”, dogs find themselves being handed in when the novelty wears off – we always hope that the message of “A dog is for life, not just for Christmas” gets through but sadly we are preparing ourselves for whatever comes our way.  We know that there will always be dogs and families who need our help through absolutely no fault of their own.  Situations where the dog is just not the right fit for the family or the family’s circumstances change beyond their control, and they are no longer able to give their dogs everything they need.  When this happens, we step in like furry match-makers and hope to find everything that each need with the welfare of the dogs that come to us always paramount in our minds.

For various reasons including confidentiality, not all of the dogs we help end up on our website, but below are some of our 2020 success stories.  Each one has their own tale, their own requirements and their own happy ending …. and these we love to share with you

Bruce: Now it's Eli to you

Bruce came to us having had very little time outside.  At only 19 months this must’ve been a nightmare for him because, as we all know, Ridgies love to run and have a mad time. Being kept in isolation for up to 7 hours a day, his life has undergone a fair few changes since then. He has had some pretty serious surgery to give him a clean bill of health, a new home with Caz, a new name and a new fresh start at life with a their three legged dog called Toffee.  He is quite simply shining like the star he was always destined to be.

Leo 2: Bright eyed and full of hope

At 6 he’s gone to live with Cora and pre-rescued Minnie, but before he could… He spent a short stint with Helen, one of the Trustees. When he first came onto our radar, he had to be removed from his current situation that very same day.  Helen kindly offered to foster him until we could find him a proper home of his own and to say she fell for him would be an understatement.  Being so wonderful, we quickly identified a perfect new family for Leo, bringing tears to Helen’s eye when he had to go.  He’s now in a permanent forever family, where he’s made it clear he is part of the fixtures and fittings, and making sure Cora is well aware of how much he is loving his new digs.  Good on you Leo … you  have a heart of pure gold.

Luna: The lady of the manor

Luna has lucked out and ended up at the most amazing of homes.  She’s now the lady of the manor, living a life to which she always aspired (and truth be told, I also aspire to live somewhere like that given half a chance). She “fitted straight in” with Edwina straight away on day 1 – like the 8 year old princess she is. She has grounds she could walk for miles and the possibilities will be endless – only the best for their fair lady.  Some dogs just think they’re royalty … and for Luna, that’s pretty much the life she has secured for herself.  Well done m’lady.

Ziggy: The sweetest little face you ever did see

A lovely boy who’s great with kids, Ziggy was looking for a house and family befitting someone of his good nature – he just needed a bit of guidance as he loves to run about and chase anything furry … Helen and Dave have two sister RRs, one to provide a steady and reserved influence and the other to encourage the live-wire traits. He’s in his element now in his new home with his own personal hareem – often to be found chilling on the sofa or bounding through the fields.  I’m sure it’s a life he could only ever dream of.  He is loved by the 2 legs as much as the 4 … and so he should be. 

Penny: Young n' Fabulous

Due to a family break-up, Penny had to undergo a change of lifestyle and location.  As it happens, the 4 year old beauty had the perfect home just around the corner in Siobhan and the move was just meant to be. Having the creature comforts of her new living arrangements with the new scents and smells of a different stomping ground, we hope you enjoy the life of luxury Penny!  Some puzzle pieces just fall into place like a jigsaw.

Mika: Pretty in pink

Mika had a loving home for 8 years, but as times change sadly her previous owners could no longer provide the time and attention needed due to work commitments. A girl of her nature was in and out in a flash, with many different families clambering over one-another to be her forever home. She now lives with Joanne and is spoilt with all the time in the world… happy days Mika!

Leo 1: A new home and a holiday home too!

Not all dogs who come through our doors are given up because they aren’t loved. Sometimes it’s down to a change in circumstances nobody could’ve predicted, and the fact that they ARE loved is what drives the owner to want a better life for them. That was certainly true for Leo who now resides in the lap of luxury, not only here in the UK, but also in his holiday home abroad. Well done Leo. Glad you have your own passport and can now enjoy your adventures with Samantha!  

Peachy... and yes! Your life is now just that!

When a dog lives too far away for one of our Trustees to meet and assess in person, we often turn to a trusted and experienced supporter who lives near enough to check the dog out for us.  In Peachy’s case, this safe pair of hands was Liz and, after a very short time during their appointment together, it was soon apparent that Peachy had already negotiated her new forever home … with Liz!  While it is unconventional for the dog to go home with the dog-checker, the match was so perfect that Peachy didn’t need to look a gift horse in the mouth…. not that we are saying lovely Liz resembles a pony!  Their love affair was an instant hit and she has slotted right in to her home without missing a beat.  Good luck Peachy … though we know with Liz as your Hooman, you won’t need it xxx

Harry... Round two

When a dog is surrendered to rescue, we make it clear that no matter what happens in the future, that dog is always our prime concern for the entirety of its life. Harry first came to us when he was just a young lad and we had the pleasure of finding him someone to love and whom he also loved back. Sadly, as they say, life turns on a dime and you never know what’s around the corner. Harry’s lovely new owner faced challenges of his own and such was his love for Harry, he felt he could no longer provide the very best care and affection for his boy. Without missing a beat he contacted us straight away to try and find another match as perfect as the last one. His owner had the foresight to realise he wouldn’t be able to care for Harry in the way he felt was deserved, and made sure we were able to find him a new home as soon as possible. He could still provide a loving home while we searched so there wouldn’t be a day of suffering and worry for young Harry. Thankfully Sara was the perfect person with the perfect life and the perfect home to suit Harry’s needs. While it’s obviously not what his owner originally envisaged when he first picked him up, he was pleased for Harry to be somewhere he’d get spoilt rotten, safe in the knowledge we’ll be there for him however many times we should be needed.

Zuriel arrived, slotted in and wove his magic immediately

Zuriel was yet another lovely dog who hadn’t put a foot wrong.  His owner’s situation had changed and it was with a completely broken heart that they approached us to find him the home he deserved which would lavish the love and affection on him that he so desired and had been used to.  Zuriel’s owner cried a river of tears and broke our hearts too but, together, we were able to broker the most wonderful match for him with Penny and Keith.  We are thrilled that his adventures have begun, his life is a dream and the cheeky monkey has already managed to dissolve the “no dogs on the beds” rule ….. that really didn’t take  him long at all!

Our cheeky devil has landed on his paws with the twinkle in his eye of Lucifer himself … but the heart of an angel.  Have a super time with Penny and Keith my boy …. and don’t push your luck cheeky chops x

Casey is a good elf

Casey, or Acacia to give her her full “Sunday Name” has bounced into the lives of Vicky and her other four-legged friends.  A ready made pack with a Casey-shaped hole just waiting for her to fill.  Within a matter of days, she was already sharing a bed and snuggling up with her new sisters and you really wouldn’t know that she hadn’t been with Vicky right from the get go.

We are very careful when we work out the partnerships we hope to see blossom and this amount of care and attention really does pay dividends when our new owners send in photos and tell us of their journey together.  

We couldn’t be happier to see Casey slap bang in the heart of the pack and wish her every joy for the future.  Go get em tiger! x

Ziggy has brought a drop of Stardust to his new family

So many times the dogs we help haven’t put a paw wrong.  It’s simply that their guardian’s situations change meaning they cannot give their beloved companion the time or care they need and so they do the right thing and give them up for a better life.  Ziggy was in just such a situation.  He  is an absolutely gorgeous chap, inside and out, who adores children so it was on our list to try to keep things as familiar as possible for him and search for “the right family” with kids too … and what a new family he has.  Now the new running companion for Jo, best friend to the kids, and all round Prince of the Manor, Ziggy truly has brought a little stardust to his new family’s life and we simply couldn’t be happier.  Here’s to hours of fun and laughter ma’boy … you are going to have a ball.

Safiya and Zula get a new boyfriend!

This weekend this pair of lovlies found the perfect new family … and it comes with a ready-made boyfriend!!!  Zula and Safiya have been lucky enough to find a home with an experienced Ridgeback owner, in the heart of beautiful Cumbria and with a handsome resident GSD to play with too!  As soon as they met their new guardians, it was clear to see the affection from both sides and they quickly jumped in the car ready for their new life and new adventures.  Although their previous owner was heartbroken to let them go, sometimes it is the kindest thing and this was the case here … we know it was tough for her but are grateful that she put the needs of Zula and Safiya first.  Good luck in your new family ladies … although I know you won’t need it.

Millie is going to be one spoilt girl

We are thrilled that Millie has gone to her new home and will be spoilt as all Ridgies should by her new owners…..but first of all she will need to go on a little diet to bring her back into shape, then who knows she could end up jogging or cycling with her new family.   Enjoy your new home Millie, we know you will be loved so much.

Brock is rocking his new des-res!

Beautiful Brock has found his forever home up in Bonny Scotland!  He is now the apple of Bryan and Lynn’s eye and has his paws firmly under the table enjoying life as a spoilt “only child”!!!  Look at him on that bed … he’s even colour co-ordinated!

Have a wonderful life Brock .. and don’t forget to wipe your feet before you get in that big comfy bed! xxx

Success! Barbara has found her new family

Barbara has found her new home and whats more she has landed a new partner in crime who is virtually the same in age and temperament as her darling Ghengis with whom she used to spare her days.  Sometimes, things just work out and are meant to be.

Good luck Barbara xx

Zeus gets a new normal

As you all know,  every person and every dog is unique. Here at Ridgeback Rescue we look for the perfect owners for each perfect dog, in this case we found a lovely home for our handsome boy. We like to make sure that we find a caring home that fits the dog’s needs, as well as their personality. With Zeus we wanted to make sure they were capable  and we may have just outdone ourselves with this match. He’s settling in nicely and we are thrilled with the the speed he’s settled in at. We wish him all the best from the entire rescue gang!

SHAKA moves in with Pat and George

This is beautiful Shaka.  Not quite 3 years old and still very much a bundle of energy.  Shaka had found himself looking for a home at what has to be the very worst of time possible – slap-bang in the middle of the Corona Virus Pandemic.  Travel restrictions and social distancing mean that rehoming and moving dogs around is far from easy and we have had our work cut out to meet the needs of the family, the rules of Lockdown and of course, the welfare and requirements of Shaka himself.

Never ones to shy away from a tough ask, however, Ridgeback Rescue has secured him what we know in our hearts will be the most fabulous home.  After couple of weeks with Pat and George we’re sure we’ll start to see his true colours emerging as he settles and gets along in his new family.

He was very timid on his journey but, after 45 minutes he was already offering play bows, seeking out loves and licks and even taking treats gladly.  We are sure he is in the right place, with a fabulous couple who have over 50 years experience and the time and desire to cherish him for the rest of his days.  Five hours in, Shaka was already chilled and enjoying the peace and tranquillity of his new environment. Watch this space, but we’re sure this is already Shaka’s happy ending…minus one thing – Shaka now has a new name to go with his new home: Introducing Hunter!