Rehomed Ridgebacks 2024

Welcome to 2024! The water’s just fine, the dogs are delightful and the homes are happy! As you scroll through these lovable faces and stories, I wonder if you could imagine one of these four legged friends being part of your family? If so, our potential owners page contains all the information you’ll need to see your new companion on here in no time! With training, patience and kindness there are few things a dog can’t do so if you’re willing to put in the work they could be just what need x 

Lincoln - Honestly Sublime

Lincoln’s former owner couldn’t give him the time he needed, so he came through to us and, shortly after, to Sally and John. They were inseparable from the moment they all met, and he’s enthusiastic as he is with everything, about becoming the pawfect addition to their family.

Lincoln isn’t your typical Ridgeback, though. The two year old boy from Manchester actually… likes… the rain? 

Lincoln will go for walks in any weather, and the occasional lake, much to Sally and John’s dismay! Lincoln loves life; from treats, to walks, to cuddles and playing with other dogs, he’s just happy to be here, there and everywhere! He’s a bundle of cuddles and is learning how to be the best dog ever. He might consider watching his footing after a small sploosh on one of his walks, but it’s the moments in life like that which become the memories we look back on fondly with laughter and joy. We know you’re smashing Lincoln, and so do John and Sally. You fit in great 😉

Leo - Catch him if you can

After Leo’s previous owner passed away, he found himself in a bit of a pickle. With nowhere to go, Leo needed himself a new home and some new family. 

We made a few calls, and just like that, Leo has himself a new mum, dad and Ridgie sister. Elizabeth and her family had another Ridgie from us in 2015, and were looking for someone Leo shaped to fit into their family unit. Ever happy to oblige, he fit the role perfectly and has cast himself into the position of “goodest boy” in the home.

Those eyes scream “I’m a star” and now he’s living it up in his new abode, with his new life and new family. One day is all it takes to make a star 😉

Grace - Looking for her place

Grace from Tunbridge Wells is 1 and a half now – She’s found her style and elegance, and now is looking for love, and a comfy seat by the fire. Tracey gave her exactly this and the two are bonding over their love of long walks. Being young and fit, Grace is practicing her recall and loose lead walking and is coming along well – she’s found her place and is working hard to make it a perfect fit, as is Tracey! 

The two have regular cuddles and the “comfy spot” looks more and more like  Tracey’s arms. Enjoy your new home!

Blondie and Reggie - The dream team

Blondie and Reggie are 4 and 3, and have been together since they can remember. The two are inseparable and in early 2024 we got the call that they needed a new home. Since they’ve been together so long, and are inseparable, we didn’t want to be the ones to stand between them and their bond. Michelle and Steve have have given them a fantastic home with somebody there all the time to keep them company. 

Being into walking and cycling, they go out regularly and enjoy their time dozing after getting back from the treks, as you can see… 

They have a new lovely home to explore and the great outdoors howls their name… Well… When they’re awake enough to hear it 😉

Zeus - Going country

Zeus is a young boy, fighting fit in the prime of his life – At just 2, his hobbies include running, jumping, sniffing, playing and cuddles. After his previous owner was concerned he was spending a lot of time on his own, Zeus now has company all the time! Jane has taken him in and he’s now part of a full house!

With dogs (a couple of beautiful labs), pigs horses and sheeps, Zeus has plenty of companions all day round, as well as lovely Jane! He’s living it up on his rural stomping grounds and gets plenty of walks with good company… and all the attention an adolescent dog could want!

Frank - Not actually a Tank

Frank is a boy who’s experienced love throughout his life, and is one of the truly heartbreaking cases where his former owner had no choice but to give him away. From Wiltshire, this boy is almost two, and you can see in his eyes that every day to him is a blessing.

Thankfully he’s been in n’ out from one loving home to another, bringing joy wherever he goes. Jo and Mike are his new family, but to Frank love is love. If you ever have to give your dog up for adoption, you know they will remember you, and you’re still family to them, as hard as it is not seeing their smile every day.

Jo and Mike are already spoiling him rotten and and he’s already found his spot in the front room. Mi casa es su casa es Frank’s casa. May you continue to live your best life matey.

Pablo - Would've been a painter if only he'd had thumbs

Pablo is a 21 month old lad from Cumbria, whose previous owner didn’t have the time to give him what he needed.

Hoping for cuddles and a place to set up an easel, this delightful boy was looking for a place to lay his head, when we found him a home with the lovely Anna.

He’s all settled in nicely, but still having some troubles with his allergies (tell me about it!). Unlike me, Pablo’s allergies aren’t hay related. We think he’s had a reaction to his food, but his ears have been giving him some grief. The vets are on it though and he’ll be right as rain in no time.

He tells me it’s interfering with his art, but I think he’s just not found the time to paint with all the new walks he’s been going on 😉

Rocco - He Roccs!

Rocco’s previous owner didn’t have the time to dedicate to this majestic young lad. A 2 and a half, he’s in the prime of his life, and he’s not about to spend it indoors by himself. He decided to up sticks and move from Cumbria to his new home with Joanne.


He’s doing super well and is trying to contain his excitement at meeting new people, being out and about and meeting new dogs. He’s getting on well with Joanne’s other resident dog. He even wants to play with the cats, but is still finding the balance, as he’s not quite aware how big he is compared to some of his new feline friends, so he’ll have some time to figure that out. All in all, he’s settling in well all things considered!

Malaika - None like 'er

This girl is a 7 year old from Wigan. With an inquisitive nature and a gentle temperament, she was looking for a new home due to new work commitments from her previous owner. This was a pretty open and shut case: Malaika needs a new home, Malaika meets us, we put her in touch with Emma, the two get on like a house on fire.


Now she’s settled she’s been for walks on the beach and to the local pubs to sample a few pints! She’s 49 in dog years don’t you know! The two are best mates and you’d never know she didn’t used to live there – as the pair are inseparable. 


Sometimes it really is easy, and with Malaika, this is one of those times. Enjoy your new life girl!        

Enzo - He's as fast as a Ferrari

Enzo’s a mystery to many, where he’s from and how old he is are questions he’s refusing to answer for now, we make him around 1, but he hasn’t confirmed or denied. Before we got a hold of him he wouldn’t even confirm his identity, some say he’s pretended to be a Viszla. He’s excited about just about everything though, especially birds it seems! The cats are less intriguing, and he’s decided a new identity was in order, and goes by Koshi. 


He’s still fast though, and has nicked a handbag, a purse, some dog food and is always up for a race or a chase!


Catherine and her family is working with him, starting by socialising him with their girl, and aiming to do training and socialisation classes. Once he’s settled in his new identity, he’ll settle down, but I’m sure for a former Ferrari he wont’t slow down. God speed fella!

George - Dream Puppy

Usually the title is some witty reference that yours truly amuses himself with, but with George the article will write itself – it’ll be easy, like he is!

While he’s only been staying with Gemma a short while he’s already achieved high praise. In his short time there, he’s learned how to climb the sofa and got to his rightful place, he’s always ready for a cuddle and loves naps with his new mum.

George is and I quote “the best puppy they’ve ever had… a dream in fact!”. And it isn’t really a surprise, is it? I mean cmon, look at that face? Livers have a bit of a rep for being cheeky chaps but this one is the perfect pup, you can tell from his eyes there’s no funny business.

You’ve started off strong George, now keep it up 😉

Raphy - Raph Fiennes

Raphy is a 3 year old boy from Cheltenham. With an expressive face, a powerful pose, and a distinctive nose you could confuse him for Lord Voldemort in a heartbeat, err if you didn’t have your specs on, that is… That’s where the distinction ends, because this Raph, like the actor himself, has a heart of gold.

Having been assessed and signed over to Rescue we decided we would be finding him a match as perfect as a Wizard and his wand.

Iain is the Muggle who’ll be looking after this fantastic beast, and you’ll find him dozing on their sofa, when he’s not out exploring!

We know you’ll work your magic on them 😉

Maurice - He's not from Madagascar

4 Year old Maurice is a handsome young boy from Newark. He has a lot of love to give, and sadly his previous owner didn’t feel they could share their time with him and the two small babies in the house.

Lisa and Jason promised to give him the love he deserved and made a strong impression on one Trustee, who remarked they would even “let [their] boys go there in a heartbeat”. 

The superstar that is Maurice has slotted in like a missing puzzle piece, getting on with their other dog also. They’ve started working on his recall and his separation anxiety, and on his three week check in it seems all is well and he’s the best decision they’ve made! I think he would wholeheartedly agree!

With green pastures and more attention, he’s getting the life he always hoped for, and he no longer has to serve a Lemur King!

Best of luck matey, and remember – don’t touch ze feet!

Blue River - Going with the flow

Blue River is the largest addition to the litter looking for a home. With eyes that couldn’t melt butter, Blue River will be winning hearts for years to come.

He’s found a mum in Isobel and and is learning the basics… Including how to wait til’ he’s outside to go for a wee! It’s expected that pups will sometimes make mistakes and, as he’s got eyes that are easily forgiven, we suspect he’s perfect for Isobel, who is diligently helping Blue learn how the big boys do it. 

Let’s not get ahead of ourselves though – he’s not got to learn everything straight away and can enjoy charging around and playing in his new home. We hope you enjoy your newfound cuddles and comfort.

Atlas - Preparing to take the world onto his shoulders

Atlas is a 9 week old boy from the same litter as our boy Vinnie. He’s in the capable arms of Mary before he takes on the world for himself. As he will grow to be a Titan, he’ll need to experience the world to know how to be a part of it. He’s started out meeting some sheep, Mary’s other dog, some horses and the beach! The sheep, Mary’s dog and the horses loved him dearly, though the beach is fickle and appeared to change its opinion with the changing of the tide! 

He’s sure to make a splash I’m sure, and with a face as loveable as that he’ll be one to watch in his new home! Get ready to take the world onto your shoulders 😉

Vinnie - Pick of litter

Vinnie’s a 9 week old pupster from Wales. Some litters are big and others are small and it’s not always possible to determine how many pups will be born. When you have more pups than you have buyers, you end up needing a quality home for a beaut like Vinnie. He’s lock stock and two smoking barrels towards Gary, who is giving him a comfy home, and a strong upbringing, with the help of his son’s Vizsla. 

He’s started leadwork and already has a good handle on dribbling like his namesake… er… drooling that is! This lil pup packs a punch and while last is by no means least. Go get em’ mate!

Jackson - Aged 5

Won’t you please let him back in your heart! Jackson is a boy from Rotherham who just wants a little love. Like a smooth criminal he’s here to steal everyone’s heart, and he’s started with Karen. His previous owner felt he needed more attention and longer (moon)walks and Karen is more than excited to oblige. With a can do attitude and the patience of a saint Karen is here to give Jackson a loving home. 

He has had some back and hip problems and clearly he’s won the rest of your hearts too. Everyone banded together and showed why we’re proud to consider you all part of Ridgeback Rescue – you collectively raised over £3,551 towards Jackson’s vet bills.

Floki - Adventurer and Norse Beauty

Floki is a strong Viking boy at heart, or at least thinks he is… He wanted to be the king and has set out on a little adventure to get there. On his travels he found Carl and Hillary – who had previously owned another dog named Floki… Some would say this mystical fact fates them to roam the world together, exploring their new home. He’s excited by his new home and will have to find his place in the new settlement, as Whitby is already the leader of this family 😉 best of luck boy.

Murray - Dapper Dog

You can feel through the screen the sheer style and class from dear Murray here. In his prime at age 5, Murray needed a new home with someone whose fashion sense was as good as his. Suzanne and Guy welcomed the diva into their home ready to guide him to being as well behaved as he is fancy. 

Strutting his stuff in his new garden and looking for new cats for his catwalk (I think he’s taking it too literally), Murray is loving the attention and is settling in nicely. Enjoy!